Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre

Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada

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Human Sexuality

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    The Human Sexuality Program was developed by the 2003-2004 psychology intern, Kendra Peleshok, at the Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre. This program was developed for the female inmates at the facility and is intended to give the women accurate information regarding several areas of sexuality issues in today's society. The core of the program comes from  a course offered by the University of Alberta's Human Ecology Department. The ten sections of the program cover topics such as anatomy, sexual behaviour, sexually transmitted infections, contraception, pregnancy, intimate relationships, love, and sexual coercion and assault. The program emphasizes responsible decision-making and addresses issues that are likely to confront many women, including sexual harassment, acquaintance sexual assault, and the threat of AIDS. We strongly encourage you to consider including field experts as guest speakers. Many different agencies offer free or inexpensive presentations on different aspects of sexual health, such as the Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton and the Capital Health STD Clinic.


1. Right click the link and select Save Target As...
2. Select the location on your computer that you wish to save the file to.
3. Once the download is complete, you should be able to find the file in the location that you selected.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each link.

1.Human Sexuality PowerPoint 

2.Human Sexuality Handouts


Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre