Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre

Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada

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Resource Library

As a Psychology Department, we provide various psycho-educational materials to the inmates at Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre.  To aid in this function, the University of Alberta Psychology Interns Leslie Hamilton and Stephanie Mackey (Summer 2006) developed the Resource Library.  The Resource Library consists of information pamphlets, worksheets, resource lists and miscellaneous materials specific to psychological topics.  On this site, you will only be able to access the information pamphlets.  If you wish to access other resources from the Resource Library please email the General Information Contact (the contact information can be found on the Home Page).

The information pamphlets cover a range of topics including Anger Management, Eating Disorders, Family & Relationship Violence, Loss and/or Loneliness, Relaxation, Sleep Hygiene, Stress Management and Suicide.  Each pamphlet is designed with the aim of presenting accurate information in a shortened, easily understandable form, allowing for self-administered learning.

The following links allow for access to the pamphlets contained within the Resource Library for your own personal or professional interests.



1. Right click the link and select Save Target As...
2. Select the location on your computer that you wish to save the file to.
3. Once the download is complete, you should be able to find the file in the location that you selected.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each link.



1. Anger Management Pamphlet

2. Eating Disorders

3. Family/Relationship Violence

4. Loss and/or Loneliness

5. Relaxation

6. Sleep Hygiene

7. Stress Management

8. Suicide



A special thank you to the University of Alberta Student Distress Centre for providing the information contained within the Eating Disorder, Family/Relationship Violence, Loss and/or Loneliness, Stress Management and Suicide pamphlets.



Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre