Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre

Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada

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Sleep Hygiene

    Sleep hygiene is a major concern for many individuals staying in correctional facilities.  Issues such as drug withdrawals, major life stressors, and a foreign environment can make sleep difficult. 

    The following program is being continuously developed with the goal of teaching clients proper sleep hygiene habits.  The ultimate goal is to reduce the number of individuals experiencing sleep difficulties both during incarceration and in their everyday lives.  The most recent updates to the program have been done by Timothae Lundago (Psychology Intern, 2008).

    Please feel free to download these programs for home or work use.  However, do not use or redistribute these files for profit. Happy sleeping!

Sleep Hygiene Program


1. Right click the link and select Save Target As...
2. Select the location on your computer that you wish to save the file to.
3. Once the download is complete, you should be able to find the file in the location that you selected.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each link.



Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre