Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre

Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada

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Smoking Cessation


    The Smoking Cessation Program was developed at Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre by University of Alberta psychology intern, Kendra Peleshok and updated by Timothae Lundago.

     Specifically for inmates, this program is a collaboration of resources from AADAC, NIDA, Canadian Cancer Society, and American Lung Association. Incarcerated person face many limitations when quitting smoking and this program is designed to help smokers overcome these obstacles by providing a network of group support.

    The Smoking Cessation Program is a PowerPoint presentation which encourages group participation and individual self-assessment. By providing information on addictions, withdrawal, and stress management, this program has helped many smokers "Kick the Butt".

Smoking Cessation Program

Smoking PowerPoint Handouts.ppt

Quit Smoking Word Handouts.doc



1. Right click the link and select Save Target As...
2. Select the location on your computer that you wish to save the file to.
3. Once the download is complete, you should be able to find the file in the location that you selected.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each link.



Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre