Program Requirements
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The Courses  


Course Outlines


Assignments & Term Papers




Course Evaluations



bulletThe Courses - MScOT (Course-based)

For students admitted in September 2010

For students admitted in September 2011

Year 1 - September 2010
INT D 410 (32.5 hours)
OCCTH 501 (26 hours)
OCCTH 502 (39 hours)
OCCTH 503 (26 hours)
OCCTH 504 (26 hours)
OCCTH 510 (13 hours)
OCCTH 518 (52 hours)
OCCTH 520 (13 hours)
OCCTH 524 (4 weeks)
OCCTH 543 (39 hours) or OCCTH 599 *See notes below
OCCTH 544 (19.5 hours) *See note
OCCTH 562 (39 hours)
OCCTH 563 (39 hours)
OCCTH 565 (13 hours)
OCCTH 583 (39 hours)

OCCTH 525 (6 weeks)
OCCTH 584 (26 hours)

Year 2 – September 2011
OCCTH 519 (26 hours)
OCCTH 526 (6 weeks)
OCCTH 530 (13 hours)
OCCTH 540 (13 hours)
OCCTH 543 or OCCTH 599 *See notes below
OCCTH 545 (26 hours)
OCCTH 553 (39 hours)
OCCTH 554 (26 hours)
OCCTH 557 (78 hours)
OCCTH 558 (26 hours)
OCCTH 559 (26 hours)
OCCTH 564 (26 hours)
OCCTH 565 (13 hours)  

OCCTH 527 (6 weeks)
OCCTH 528 (6 weeks)
OCCTH 900 (variable hours)

Year 1 – September 2011
INT D 410 (32.5 hours)

OCCTH 502 (45.5 hours)

OCCTH 503 (26 hours)

OCCTH 507 (52 hours)

OCCTH 510 (13 hours)

OCCTH 518 (52 hours)

OCCTH 520 (13 hours)

OCCTH 522 (26 hours)

OCCTH 524 (4 weeks)

OCCTH 567 (39 hours)

OCCTH 583 (52 hours)

OCCTH 584 (65 hours)



OCCTH 543 (39 hours) OR OCCTH 599
* See notes below

OCCTH 566 (39 hours)

OCCTH 525 (6 weeks)

Year 2  - September 2012
OCCTH 519 (39 hours)

OCCTH 526 (6 weeks)

OCCTH 530 (13 hours)

OCCTH 540 (13 hours)

OCCTH 543 (39 hours)OR OCCTH 599  * See notes below

OCCTH 553 (39 hours)

OCCTH 554 (39 hours)

OCCTH 564 (26 hours)

OCCTH 557 (78 hours)

OCCTH 558 (26 hours)

OCCTH 559 (26 hours)

OCCTH 903 (variable hours)

OCCTH 527 (6 weeks)
OCCTH 528 (6 weeks)
OCCTH 900 (variable hours)

1)  OCCTH 543 or OCCTH 599:  Students must successfully complete either a minimum of three modules (39 hours) in different topics, or one *3 Individual Study (OCCTH 599) (39 hours).

2) Attendance in Modules (OCCTH 543/599)
The modules are designed to be intensive and interactive. It is imperative that registered students attend all listed hours of instruction. Students with absences will receive a grade of NC (failure, no grade point value assigned).

Full course details are available on Bear Tracks:


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Course Outlines

At the first class of every OCCTH course, you will be given a copy of the course outline. This will answer most of the questions you may have about the course. The following information should be included in each outline:
bulletcourse number, section and title
bulletinstructor's name, office and phone numbers
bulletcalendar description of course
bulletlearning objectives
bullettextbooks, both required and recommended, and extra costs
marks distribution (weight of exams/term work toward final grade)
bulletpercent to grade-point (if different from department standard)
re-examination weight
bulletclass schedule, which may vary from listing topics to be covered to a detailing of what will happen on each day and what readings to have completed by then.

You may also find goal statements, reading lists, bibliographies, details on assignments, deadlines, special events, etc. Please retain these outlines and keep them handy with other course materials. Any changes made after printing will be announced in class.

Course outlines for the most recent academic year are also posted on the web:


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Assignments & Term Papers
All papers submitted for OCCTH  courses must follow the format set by the American Psychological Association. The Bookstore stocks copies of the APA Publication Manual.

Assignments and term papers are usually returned to students immediately after marking. Term papers that constitute a final exam will be returned on the following basis:

bulletIf only one copy is submitted for marking, it will not be released until the deadline for reappraisal has passed (see Calendar 23.5.4 2)). If both marker and faculty copies were submitted, the marker copy may be returned to you as soon as exam results are released. Any reappraisal would be done on the retained copy.

Assignments Drop-Off:   An assignment drop-off area is in the OT office, 2-64 Corbett Hall. Winter office hours are 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (closed between 12 noon and 1 pm); Summer office hours are 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (closed between 12 noon and 1 pm).

Assignments Pick-Up:  An assignments pick-up system will be communicated to students at the beginning of the Fall Term.     


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 It should be noted that while the costs of texts for second year are high, several texts will be used throughout the program. It is strongly recommended that texts be retained as permanent references and not sold at the end of the year. Experience has proven that texts continue to be valuable references for many years after graduation. The strongest argument for retaining books is in preparation for the CAOT certification exam and membership after you graduate.

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Course  Evaluations 

Near the end of each term, students will be asked to evaluate OCCTH  courses and instructors. There will be 10-15 minutes during class to complete the evaluation. The instructor will not be present. After the final marks are submitted to the Office of the Registrar,  the instructor receives a numeric summary together with the original evaluation forms, including the handwritten comments1. A summary of results is also sent to the Students' Union for information of future classes.  Copies of reports are available by viewing

The purpose of the evaluation is many-fold: first, the department gains valuable feedback about the course content. Second, the committees which decide on salary increments, promotions, and tenure for academic staff have access to the students' responses. Third, the evaluations provide feedback to instructors about their courses and their impact as teachers.

Comments directed personally at the Instructor are disregarded in the Chair's evaluation of teaching performance and are considered unprofessional.  Comments of a global, nonspecific nature are not useful to Instructors in making revisions in their courses.  Knowing this, it is hoped that students will exercise responsibility in making their evaluations.  

1Should students be uncomfortable with providing handwritten feedback, typed comments may be submitted to the Department Office within five days of the course evaluation.

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Please consult the following:

Clinical Education web site: 

OT Fieldwork Handbook:  

Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine fieldwork regulations - Calendar Section 173.5

 Fieldwork is an academic requirement, and students must not make commitments to vacations, weddings, family reunions, summer jobs, etc. until after placements are confirmed.   

The OT Fieldwork Handbook addresses fieldwork requirements and this website is updated regularly.   It is the students' responsibility to be familiar with the contents and to ask the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE) for clarification, if necessary.

During the course of the year, the ACCE will organize fieldwork orientation and professional development days.  Students will be be informed.

Students are also encouraged to regularly visit the Clinical Education web-site for updates.

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Department of Occupational Therapy
Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada  T6G 2G4  (Phone: (780)492-2499)

Please contact Melody Gerber if you have any questions/comments/suggestions regarding the information presented in this site.