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                Appealing a Fieldwork Grade



University of Alberta:  General University Policies

Click on each heading for redirection to the relevant web site or PDF. 

20.1   Mission Statement

20.2   Statement on Equity in Student Affairs

20.3   Electronic Communication Policy for Students and Applicants

20.4   Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

20.5   University Bloodborne Pathogens Policy

20.6   University Patent Policy

20.7   University Standards for the Protection of Human Research Participants

20.8   Risk Management Services

Discrimination & Harassment Policy & Procedures & the University of Alberta Reasonable Accommodation Policy.   See also the General Faculties Policy link:    http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/gfcpolicymanual/content.cfm?ID_page=37660   Any member of the university community who has concerns in the above areas should contact the Office of Safe Disclosure and Human Rights:   

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Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research Policies 

- Failure in or Failure to Complete an Academic Course
The pass mark in any course taken while registered in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research is a grade of C+. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative program grade point average of 2.7 throughout the course of the program.  A student whose academic standing falls below a grade point average of 2.7 may be required to withdraw at any time. In cases where the cumulative program grade point average falls between 2.3 and 2.7, departments may recommend termination of program, or continuation in the program for a specified probationary period.  Convocation shall not take place with a cumulative program grade point average of less than 2.7. (193.8.2)

Graduate students are not permitted to take reexaminations. Students who do not obtain an acceptable grade, or fail to complete a course that is required as part of their graduate program, must have the approval of the department and the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research to retake the course and must obtain a passing grade. Alternatively, students may take an alternate course recommended by the department and approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, but they must also obtain a passing grade. (193.8.3)

The student whose coursework is unsatisfactory may at any time be required to withdraw. (193.8.3)

In calculating a student's GPA, both the original failing grade and the grade received when the course is retaken or the alternate taken will be used. The failing grade and the grade achieved for the repeated or substitute course will appear on the student's transcript. A Grade of INF is counted as a numeric grade of 0.0 in the computation of the GPA. (193.8.3) 

- Repeating of Courses

·   Students may not repeat any successfully completed university course or course for which transfer credit has been awarded, except with the written approval of the Dean of the Faculty in which they are enrolled.

·   Only one re-registration for credit or audit will be permitted in any failed university course, except with the written approval of the Dean of the Faculty in which the student is enrolled.

·   Only one re-registration for credit or audit will be permitted in any university course in which a student has received a final grade of W, except with the written approval of the Dean of the Faculty in which the student is enrolled.

·   If a student contravenes regulations listed above, the Dean may withhold credit or indicate the course as extra to the degree on the registration that contravenes the regulation.

·   Students may repeat a first-term course in the second term, if it is offered, as long as the student complies with regulations listed above.     
GFC Policy Manual, section 37.5)

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Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Policies

- Appeals & Grievances 

Click on each heading below for the full PDF document:

            Appeals Procedures

         Student Accommodation/Illness/Students at Risk Procedures

"Every student may have individual grades reviewed. Students should first approach the instructor concerned, then, if necessary, see the Department Chair."  Refer to  Calendar Section 203.17 and 23.8

The Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research appeal policies must be consulted as well:  http://www.gradstudies.ualberta.ca/degreesuperv/appeals.htm

Certain unsuccessful appeals at the Faculty level may be further appealed to the GFC Academic Appeals Committee. See 23.8 "

- Appealing a Fieldwork Grade - Consult the OT Fieldwork Handbook

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Department of Occupational Therapy Policies

Deferred Examination Policy - Approved by the Department of Occupational Therapy Committee - January 24, 1999, and Council - April 14, 1999)

All examinations written outside of the official examination week will be considered deferred and must be applied for according to the regulations specified in Calendar Section 23.5.6. All such examinations must be written after the official Examination Week. Students who have compelling reasons other than illness or domestic affliction must be referred to the Chair for a ruling.

Missed Term Examinations Policy* Approved by the Department of Occupational Therapy OT Committee -  January 2003. 

The weight of any term and/or mid-term examination missed for any excused absence, including illness, will be added to the weight of the final examination or assignment.    

* NOTE:   In cases where a student is unable to provide a medical statement for a missed examination due to illness, the department will accept the FRM Statutory Declaration form completed by a student and witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths. The department's Commissioner for Oaths is currently the Chair’s Assistant, who is authorized to administer oaths/affirmations. For contact information refer to:  http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/ot/Administrative_Support_Staff.cfm

Small  Group Work Policy - Approved by the Department of Occupational Therapy Committee, July 20, 2004

Collaboration with clients and other professionals will be an important part of your professional career. Group work, defined as participating with three or more classmates to accomplish a specific goal, is an essential part of the curriculum. You are expected to fully participate in each group activity except under exceptional circumstances and with prior consent of the course instructor. How you participate in groups is one indicator of your professional conduct. Therefore, courses with assignments requiring group work incorporate peer evaluation and academic consequences for not participating fully.

Group work is challenging. Working through group difficulties in a healthy manner helps you develop skills to deal with conflict. Feedback helps classmates become aware of positive and negative aspects of their behaviour and group participation. If your group is having difficulties or group members appear unaware of certain aspects of their behaviour, address them openly and honestly within your group.

DO NOT wait until an assignment is due or the time for the group activity completed to take action as this will limit your options and leave you with insufficient time to effectively address your group’s difficulties.

DO contact your course instructor about concerns as soon as possible.

 The Department of Occupational Therapy’s policy for groups follows.              

  1. Each group member shall actively participate as evidenced by attending and contributing to completion of the assigned task to the best of their ability and, for longer projects, according to a group- defined schedule.
  2. No group member will allow a grade for group work to be credited to their individual record unless they have contributed substantially to the group. Obtaining a grade based on the work of others is unethical.
  3. Group members who leave or are not present during an in-class graded activity will receive a zero for the assignment (noted in the student’s file). It is the responsibility of the group to report such behaviour to the course instructor. Failure to do so is unethical and will result in a grade of zero on the assignment for all group members.
  4. Each group member shall apply the principles of communication, group membership, and team work from prior courses (e.g., OCCTH 106, 308, 323). In the event of conflicts or failure to actively participate, the difficulties will be addressed as a group.
  5. For groups with longer term projects such as presentations and papers:

If a member is not fulfilling his or her responsibilities, the group will warn the member. If the member still fails to fulfill responsibilities and a group meeting to resolve the issue is unsuccessful, all members of the group will meet with the course instructor to discuss the situation and choose to either i) write up an agreement with the member clearly defining the behaviours needed in order for the member to continue in the group OR ii) require the member to withdraw from their group. Groups MUST inform the class instructor immediately of the action taken and the action will be noted in the student’s file.

After a contract has been set up, if the member fails to fulfill the contract to the detriment of the group’s end product, the member will receive a grade of “Zero” for the assignment (noted in the students’ file). The instructor will grade the group’s product considering the effects of the member’s failure to contribute.

Members required to withdraw from a group will complete the equivalent of the group project (as determined by the class instructor) on their own.

  1. If a group has complex and multiple problems, the class instructor will ask the Associate Chair to appoint a mediator to meet with the group to address their issues and bring resolution. This is necessary as students will need to work together in other courses and on other projects.
  2. Each group member will submit a confidential rating of themselves and each member of their group. Students receiving an evaluation of 2 or less on the following scale will be required to meet with the course instructor. For longer functioning groups, members will provide a confidential written evaluation of their group indicating the strengths of their group, the areas that were most difficult for the group, and the things learned about working in a group from this experience.

Rate yourself and each group member on a scale of 0 to 4.  For a rating less than a 2, provide a written explanation for the rating. 

        0                                                      1                                      2                              3                                            4                                               

    No/very little contribution                                                                                                            Completed all tasks
    Cannot explain group project                                                                                                   Can explain all aspects


Fieldwork Policies


Refer to the List of Fieldwork Policies in the OT Fieldwork Handbook -  http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/ot/fieldwork_handbook.cfm

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Department of Occupational Therapy
Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada  T6G 2G4  (Phone: (780)492-2499)

Please contact Melody Gerber if you have any questions/comments/suggestions regarding the information presented in this site.