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Career & Placement Services

Located in SUB, CaPS liaises with the Faculty and potential employers to organize Career Days, set up presentations etc.   As well they will assist with job searches, resumé, preparation, summer employment, etc.

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Certification of Academic Record & Associated Costs

The following policy  was approved by the Occupational Therapy Department Committee, January, 2012

Occupational Therapists who wish to practice outside of Canada may require the Department to certify their educational experience and/or credentials for various licensing/regulatory bodies.

The Department has levied the following charges for this service:  

a) $50 for documents or letters signed by the Chair or designate which confirm that the former student completed all requirements (fieldwork and academic) within the program, the date of graduation, and the name of the diploma granted at graduation.

b) $150 for more complex certification requests.   This may include the completion of a form or letter as described in a) above, together with one or more of the following:  verification of all courses taken within the program (which may include course descriptions and hours), fieldwork details (dates, placement type and length of practica), and/or copies of course outlines. 

Payment in the form of certified cheque, postal money order or cash must accompany certification requests. All requests should be directed to the Department Chair or the Chair's Assistant, 2-64 Corbett Hall (phone: 780-492-0399.)

Documents are frequently certified for the following licensing/regulatory bodies:

- National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc (NBCOT):

Consult the following links:

- Website:

- OTED Eligibility Handbook:

NOTE: All current MSc OT graduates are Category A: ―Graduation with a entry-level post-baccalaureate in occupational therapy from a WFOT-approved school.

In cases where the Department Chair is requested to sign the International Occupational Therapist Eligibility Determination (IOTED) Program Director Form, she/he is able to do so only after all academic and fieldwork requirements have been completed. 

Any questions regarding the NBCOT process must be directed to that organization directly.

 - Health Professions Council, United Kingdom.  Please consult their web site for application information.  

- Several states within the USA, including Washington, New York, and New Jersey. Each state has its own regulatory body and may or may not require certification from this Department. 

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Refer to Calendar  Section 23.7   


All graduate students need to Apply for Graduation on Bear Tracks  under the 'Academics' icon.  The system will be open for graduate students to apply for Fall Convocation 2008 as of May 1, 2008 and as of October 1, 2008 for  Spring Convocation 2009.

Except for confirming a student's eligibility, the Faculty is not involved. 


Information regarding the convocation ceremony is forwarded by the Registrar's Office late in Winter term for Spring Convocation and early in the fall for Fall Convocation.   See the Registrar's website for further information:


Should a student choose to receive his/her degree at a time other than the first convocation following program completion, a written request must be forwarded to the Registrar (copy to the OT office).  It is the student's responsibility to ensure that his/her name is on the list for the appropriate convocation.


A student who will be working as an OT before receiving his/her official degree may request a letter from the  Student Records Office stating that academic and clinical requirements have been met and that the student is eligible to write the CAOT certification examination.   The Student Records Clerk will require the student's academic advisor and the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education to confirm that academic and fieldwork requirements have been successfully completed.  

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Employment References

In the first year or two of employment, the University is likely to be one of your references. In fact, many potential employers wish to contact the Department for an interpretation of your fieldwork performance as well as academic strengths.  During your final term you are advised to sign an information release form (available in the OT office).   The reference will  be provided by your Student Advisor, if available; in his/her absence, the request will be given to another faculty member.    If you desire a  reference from a specific faculty member,  you should ask for his/her permission and advise your potential employer of the professor's name.  No information will be released without a signed form on file.  (The form is optional -- if you won't be using the University as a reference, you're not required to sign it).

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Grad Photos

Grad Photos and the framed composite are organized by the fourth year students.  Any student scheduled for Fall Convocation instead of Spring should contact their class committee about their photo.  The Grad Committee should make clear to students where the responsibility lies for ensuring a composite that is both complete and accurate.

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Professional Licensing

It is mandatory for every Occupational Therapist practising in Alberta to be registered with the Alberta College of Occupational Therapists (ACOT), and in Saskatchewan to be registered with the Saskatchewan Society of Occupational Therapists (SSOT).  It is the therapist’s responsibility to determine licensing requirements in their chosen province or country of practice.

CAOT Certification Examination

The CAOT Certification Exam is a requirement:

1) for membership in the national association;
2) to practice the OT profession in most provinces.

Exam application packages are distributed to students during their final academic term.    Full information is available online:

The cost of the exam is $431.42 (including GST).

Students who wish to include this amount in their student loan applications may obtain a letter verifying this information from the Student Records Clerk (2-62 Corbett Hall).

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Department of Occupational Therapy
Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada  T6G 2G4  (Phone: (780)492-2499)

Please contact Melody Gerber if you have any questions/comments/suggestions regarding the information presented in this site.