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bulletAcademic Advisor
bulletGraduate Program Supervisor
bulletAcademic Coordinator of Clinical Education
bulletClinical Education/Student Records Assistant
bulletAssociate Dean (Professional Programs & Teaching)
bulletDepartment Office
bulletClass Representatives
bulletAlumni Class Representatives
bulletFinancial Assistance
bulletLearning Resources
bulletComputer Resources
bulletStudent Lockers
bulletTest & AV Library/Books & Materials


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Academic Advisor
The Department of Occupational Therapy Academic Advisor for the 2011-12 academic year is Professor Sharon Brintnell.

The duties of the Academic Advisor are to:

·      Counsel students on their program and other general academic matters

·      Counsel students with academic issues (e.g. meeting course requirements)

·      Direct students with personal problems to the appropriate agency

·      Advise and assist students who require program modifications

·      Attend Student Affairs Committee meetings which meets once per term or on an ad-hoc basis

The academic advisor may arrange group meetings on an ‘as needed basis’. The frequency and duration of meetings can be discussed and planned with the students.   Students wanting to meet with the Academic Advisor on an individual basis must bring their Professional Portfolio to the meeting.

It is a student’s responsibility to check program credits and ensure that all necessary course work has been completed.  Under no circumstances should students assume that everything is being done for them (see Registration).

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Graduate Program Supervisor
"The supervisor is directly responsible for the supervision of the student's program. In this capacity, the supervisor assists the student in planning a program, ensures that the student is aware of all program requirements, degree regulations, and general regulations of the department and the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR), provides counsel on all aspects of the program, and stays informed about the student's research activities and progress."  (Consult the Graduate Program Manual online for full information on responsibilities.

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Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education
The Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education is responsible for planning and arranging fieldwork placements, liaising with facilities and CAOT, and dealing with student needs that may arise while at a fieldwork placement. Appointments can be arranged by telephone or on the schedule board posted on the Coordinator's office door. 

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Clinical Education / Student Records Assistant
The Clinical Education/Student Records Assistant is located in Room 2-62 and is responsible for assisting:   1) in all aspects related to clinical education, and 2) with admissions and program registration.  Please contact the assistant first if you have admissions/registration/fieldwork questions.

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Associate Dean (Professional Programs And Teaching)
The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine has an Associate Dean whose primary responsibility is student affairs. All matters relating to general policies and procedure, including academic appeals, are handled through this office (3-50 Corbett Hall).

Specific inquiries regarding OT courses, your individual program, etc. should be directed in the first instance to the appropriate staff member in the Department, either your academic advisor or the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education.

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Department Office
The staff of the Department office, located at 2-64 Corbett Hall, will assist you as required.  Sundries and splinting fees must be paid in room 2-64.  All fieldwork matters should be directed to the Clinical Education/Student Records Assistant in room 2-62.

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Class Representatives

During the first week in September, each class is asked to elect a representative.  Class reps will be the liaison between students and the administration. They will be members of the Department's Student Affairs Committee and RMSA (Rehab. Med. Student's Association). They may be asked for  assistance with Department activities, (e.g., publicity events; etc.)  and will be responsible for making administrative announcements to the class. 

Alumni Class Representatives 

Upon graduation, students automatically become life-time U of A Alumni.  There are many opportunities to serve your alma mater by volunteering for either the U of A Alumni Association or the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Alumni Association.  You will be approached by these groups in your last year of the program. 

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Financial Assistance
Departments are not involved in approval of applications for financial assistance.  Contact Student Financial Aid and Information Centre, 180 Students' Union Building (phone: 492-3483.).  If you will be applying for a student loan to cover fieldwork periods, your registration is proof of full-time status during your placements.

If you have just been admitted to the program, your official letter of acceptance from the Registrar's Office will be useful when making applications.   


Complete information can be found in the website links below.  

bullet Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research—for Graduate Scholarships and Financial Aid.
bullet Student Financial Aid and Information Centre—find help for all student financial issues.
bullet University Bursaries and Emergency Funding—for information about University of Alberta bursaries.
bullet Government of Alberta Scholarships and Bursaries—for the Alberta Scholarships Program.
bullet Department of OT Student Scholarship/Awards  - Awards that OT Students are eligible for are listed on this site.    Nominations can be completed online.
bullet Department of OT Travel Award Application

If you require a letter of support for bursary or scholarship applications, consult your project advisor.

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Learning Resources

Computer Resources 

AICT Computer Lab - Room 2-11:
Located in 2-11 Corbett Hall, the computer lab is run by AICT.   Their mission is "to create a computer lab environment that helps students and staff carry out the educational, research and service missions of the University of Alberta." This lab consists of 25 student workstations, 1 instructor workstation and an LCD projector. A full list of hardware and software specs can be found online here. The labs hours are Mon-Fri 8am-9pm, Sat-Sun 1pm-5pm.  A ONEcard swipe system is installed to allow Rehabilitation Medicine staff & students after hours access. The lab can be booked for instructional use using this online form and a schedule for the lab can be found online here.    

Wireless connectivity:    Corbett Hall is fully serviced by the campus-wide wireless networking service for the University of Alberta (called the "University Wireless Service" or UWS).  UWS is an undertaking meant to provide robust and ubiquitous wireless network access to all University of Alberta constituents.

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Student Lockers
The RMSA currently administers locker allocations.   A limited number of lockers are available. Near the beginning of the Fall term, your Student Rep will advise you of the allocation procedures.

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Test &AV Library/Books & Materials (Located in 2-60 Corbett Hall)
Tests:  Most of the standardized tests used by occupational therapists are owned by the Department. When use of a particular test or group of tests is being taught in class, you may sign out the material for study purposes through your course instructor. Please ensure all tests are returned intact for the next user. If pieces are missing from a kit, please write a note naming the kit, its number, and the missing bits. Timed tests usually require stopwatches, which can also be signed out.

A.V. Library:  An extensive collection of video cassettes and DVDs are held by the department.  Materials borrowed from the A.V. Library can be signed out.   Some materials are restricted and may require an instructor's authorization. 

Other Books and Material:  There is an assortment of material and texts available for browsing in the departmental library. Individual faculty members also have extensive holding in their offices.  Permission to access any of these holdings must be obtained from either office staff, or individual faculty members.

Library Sign-Out:    Contact the Department Receptionist for access to the library.

Department Borrowing Policy:  1) OT students are allowed to borrow material, free of charge, normally for a one-week period; students will be permitted to take test kits/resources to fieldwork placements;
2) registered Occupational Therapists may borrow material at a charge of $50 per day; usage of test kits/resources will be restricted to on-site use. Some materials are restricted and may require an
instructor's authorization.  (Approved by Department Council, September 2002)

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Department of Occupational Therapy
Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada  T6G 2G4  (Phone: (780)492-2499)

Please contact Melody Gerber if you have any questions/comments/suggestions regarding the information presented in this site.