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Appeals & Grievances

Appealing a Fieldwork Grade


Change of Name/Address / Contact Information 


Copyright (Access Copyright Licence)



Absence from Examinations


Deferred Final Examinations



Fieldwork Failure






Grade Posting (Unofficial Grades)


Grades on Bear Tracks


Name Tags








Special Requests


Student Records


Withdrawals/Withdrawal from Fieldwork





Appeals & Grievance

Refer to  Calendar Section 203.17 and 23.8

"Every student may have individual grades reviewed. Students should first approach the instructor concerned, then, if necessary, see the Department Chair."

 Full academic appeal regulations are available on the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine website.  Click on the belowfor details:

Appeals Procedures

Student Accommodation/Illness/Students at Risk Procedures

The Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research policies must be consulted as well:

Certain unsuccessful appeals at the Faculty level may be further appealed to the GFC Academic Appeals Committee. See 23.8 "

Appealing a Fieldwork Grade  - Consult the Fieldwork Handbook

Complete information will be provided by the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education.  At the time of the mid-term fieldwork evaluation: both the student and the supervisor are required to contact the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education if the student is failing, or borderline, and advise of the possibility of failure at final.  If the student is notified of risk of failing after mid-term, immediate contact must be made with the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education.  The student can appeal the final grade.

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Change of Name/Address /Contact Information
Change of Name:  
Consult the web site,, for a "Change of Name"  form.  Original documentation, which is specified on the form,  must be presented in order  for a name to be officially changed on university records.  If you change your name, you must also:  1) submit a completed "Change of Name" form to the Student Records Office (2-62 CH) and 2) obtain a new name tag at your own expense. 
Change of Address /Contact Information:  Changes to address/contact information may be made on Bear Tracks

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Copyright (Access Copyright Licence)

Consult  "A Guide to Copying at the University of Alberta Under the Access Copyright Licence" on the  web site.   

"Access Copyright is a Canadian copyright collective that acts on behalf of copyright holders. The University of Alberta has signed an Agreement with Access Copyright and, as a member of the University community, you are obligated to honour the terms of this Agreement."

Copyright regulations will be enforced.

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Complete information regarding exams is found in  Calendar Section 23.5.  

University policies regarding examinations as outlined in the Calendar will be enforced.  Students may be required to present ONEcards upon entering any exam. 

"Normally, there shall be no departure from the official Final Examination Schedule.  Instructors and students may, however, petition the Faculty Council concerned for permission to depart from the Schedule if justified reasons can be established.  No departures shall be considered for approval unless the instructor of the class concerned and every student registered for credit in the class have given their written consent.  Such consent shall take the form of either written letters or signed and dated forms made available from the Dean's Office. … The rescheduling of examinations or tests in the final week of classes is not permitted." (Calendar 23.5.3(2)).

Invigilated final exams (those written under supervision) are never returned to students.  Reviews of exams must be in the presence of the instructor or delegate: students may not take them away, mark or copy them.  Changes in grade based on these reviews are limited to correcting addition errors in the marking.  Those who feel they deserved more marks must apply at the Faculty or Department Office for a reappraisal (see Calendar 23.5.4(2)).   

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Absence from Examination(s)  
Refer to Calendar  23.5.6

Excused absence for a missed exam is not automatic and is granted at the discretion of the instructor (in the case of term exams) or the student’s Faculty (in the case of final exams).

Instructors and Faculties are not required to grant excused absences for unacceptable reasons that include, but are not limited to personal events such as vacations, weddings, or travel arrangements. When a student is absent from a term or final exam without acceptable excuse, a final grade will be computed using a raw score of zero for the exam missed. Any student who applies for or obtains an excused absence by making false statements will be liable under the Code of Student Behaviour.

Any student who is incapacitated because of illness, is suffering from severe domestic affliction or has other compelling reasons (including religious conviction) is advised not to sit for an exam.  In such cases a student may apply for an excused absence for the missed exam.  Students should consult their Faculty for detailed information on requirements

The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Student Accommodation Procedures should be consulted for specific requirements.

The Department will accept the FRM Statutory Declaration form completed by a student and witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths. The Department's Commissioner for Oaths is currently the Chair’s Assistant who  is authorized to administer oaths/affirmations.  Contact information:

Missed Term Exams: To apply for an excused absence, a student must present supporting documentation pertaining to the absence to the instructor within two working days following the missed term exam or as soon as the student is able, having regard to the circumstances underlying the absence.

a.  Where the cause is incapacitating illness:
1) A medical note cannot be required.
2)  If a student chooses to provide a medical note, the University of Alberta Medical Statement Form may be downloaded from the Online Services section of
3)   Instructors may request other adequate documentation at their discretion such as a form from the student’s Faculty or a statutory declaration.

 b.  In other cases, including domestic affliction or religious conviction, adequate documentation must be provided to substantiate the reason for an absence.

The instructor has the discretion either to waive the term exam, or require the student to write a make-up exam. If a waiver is granted, the percentage weight allotted to the term exam missed is added to the percentage weight allotted to the final exam. For a make-up exam, the student is required to write an equivalent exam at a time set by the instructor. If the student does not write the assigned make-up exam at the prescribed time, a raw score of zero will be assigned for the missed term exam.

The Department of Occupational Therapy policy on missed term examinations was approved by Department Committee in January 2003.  The weight of any term and/or mid-term examination missed for any excused absence, including illness, will be added to the weight of the final examination or assignment.    

Missed Term Exams Worth 20% or More - See Section 23.5.6(1)a

Missed Term Exams Less than 20% - See Section 23.5.6(1)b

Missed Final  Exams - See Section 23.5.6(2)

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Deferred Final Examinations 
Refer to Calendar 23.5.6(3)

All examinations written outside of the official examination week will be considered deferred and must be applied for according to the regulations specified in Calendar Section 23.5.6. All such examinations must be written after the official Examination Week. Students who have compelling reasons other than illness or domestic affliction must be referred to the Chair for a ruling. (Department of Occupational Therapy Policy: Approved Committee - January 24, 1999/Council - April 14, 1999)

Deferred exams must be applied for according to the regulations specified in Calendar Section 23.5.6 (3 & 4) and the time and date arranged with the instructor. 

University of Alberta Medical Statement Form  (see Absence from Examinations above)
If a student chooses to provide a medical note, the University of Alberta Medical Statement Form may be downloaded from the Online Services section of

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Satisfactory performance in the coursework component of a graduate program entails completion of all courses taken as part of the student's program requirements (i.e., courses designated as extra to the student's program requirements and audited courses are excluded). Normally, the minimum acceptable passing grade in individual courses is C+ (see §203.8.2); however, some departments may require higher grades.

Graduate students are not permitted to take reexaminations. Regardless of their category, students who do not obtain an acceptable grade, or fail to complete a course that is required as part of their graduate program, must have the approval of the department and the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research to retake the course and must obtain a passing grade. Alternatively, students may take an alternate course recommended by the department and approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, but they must also obtain a passing grade.

In calculating a student's GPA, both the original failing grade and the grade received when the course is retaken or the alternate taken will be used. The failing grade and the grade achieved for the repeated or substitute course will appear on the student's transcript. A Grade of INF is counted as a numeric grade of 0.0 in the computation of the GPA.

A student whose course and/or research work is unsatisfactory may at any time be required to withdraw.

Fieldwork failure:

A student who has been assigned a grade of "W" or "NC" in a practicum placement is entitled to a second registration in this course, subject to satisfactory completion of such remedial work as may be assigned by the Faculty. A student who receives a “W” or “NC” in a fieldwork placement must repeat the course in a similar setting and type of service. If a student receives a "W" or "NC" in the second attempt of a practicum placement, the student is required to withdraw from the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine.

Please refer to the OT Fieldwork Handbook for further information.

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A student's fees are assessed once they have registered. For Spring/Summer registrations, student-specific fee assessments are available online each spring. For Fall/Winter registrations, student-specific online fee assessments are available in late July. The fee assessments are located in Bear Tracks under 'Academics', 'View Fee Assessment'.

Unpaid fees will result in grades being withheld by the Registrar.  Any University department (OT Dept, Parking Office, Library, etc.) can have student grades, transcripts and degree parchments held until outstanding fees are paid.

To assist students in planning, the following is an estimate of costs of the program.  For further information see        

- Estimated Instructional/Non-Instructional Fees

Year  1

 Students Commencing in September, 2011



Based on registration in *16/32 fi  (Fall) and *15/30 fi (Winter)

Fall 2011

Winter 2012



Instructional Fees ($101.54 per unt of fee index)





Differential Fees (see note)





Note:  All international students are assessed an international student differential fee. In 2011-12 the student differential fee is $101.54 per unit of fee index.


Non-instructional Fees






Registration & Transcript






Student Services






Athletics & Recreation






Health Services











 *Common Student Space, Sustainability & Services (CoSSS) Fee










Graduate Students' Association (GSA)





GSA Dedicated Fees





GSA Dental Plan





GSA Health Plan





Graduate Student Assistance Program











Canadian Student Total





International Student Total





Fees will be confirmed in Spring 2012. Consult: in February 2012.

Students will pay Spring and Summer fees for registration in *7/14 fi:  OCCTH 584 (*2) and OCCTH 525 (*3) and OCCTH 543 (*1)


Year 2

Students who commenced in September 2010

Based on registration in *18(Fall) and *15 (Winter)

Fall 2011

Winter 2012


Instructional Fees




Differential Fees (see note)




Note:  All international students are assessed an international student differential fee. For Fall 2011/Winter 2012, the international graduate student differential fee is $101.54 per unit of fee index.

Non-instructional Fees





Registration & Transcript





Student Services





Athletics & Recreation





Health Services









 *Common Student Space, Sustainability & Services (CoSSS) Fee










Graduate Students' Association (GSA)




GSA Dedicated Fees




GSA Dental Plan




GSA Health Plan




Graduate Student Assistance Program








Canadian Student Total




International Student Total




  Fees will be confirmed in Spring 2012.  Consult: in February 2012.

Students will pay Spring and Summer fees for registration in *7/14 fi:  OCCTH 528 (*3), OCCTH 543 (*1) and OCCTH 900 (*3)


- Other Miscellaneous Expenses:



Refer to Calendar Sections  23.4 and  203.8.1

Grading system

The University of Alberta uses a letter grading system with a four-point scale of numerical equivalents for calculating grade point averages (GPAs).

Unless otherwise stated on the course outline, the following scales are  used for courses administered by the Department of  Occupational Therapy:

Grade Conversion Scales  

MScOT (Course-based) Conversion Scale







B +




B -

65-70                -

C+ Minimal Pass

60-64  (Minimal pass)



C -


D +





0 - 49              



Passing Grade - Faculty of Graduate Studies (Calendar 203.8.2)

Regardless of the student's category, the pass mark in any course taken while registered in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research is a grade of C+.

All students in degree programs (including time spent as a qualifying graduate student) or diploma programs must maintain a minimum cumulative program grade point average of 2.7 throughout the course of the program. (In cases where the cumulative program grade point average falls between 2.3 and 2.7, departments may recommend termination of program, or continuation in the program for a specified probationary period; in any case, convocation shall not take place with a cumulative program grade point average of less than 2.7.)

Notwithstanding the above, a student whose academic standing falls below a grade point average of 2.7 may be required to withdraw at any time.

Grade Symbols - Refer to Section 23.4(6) 

The following are non-numeric grades and remarks used when posting grades:

Final Grades

AE    aegrotat standing
AU    registered as an auditor
AW   registered as an auditor and withdrew
CR     completed requirements, no grade point value assigned
EX     exempt
IN      incomplete
IP       course in progress
IP*     withdrew from or failed courses in progress
NC    failure, no grade point value assigned
W       withdrew with permission


1    grade includes a mark of '0' for final examination missed, or for term work missed, or both
2   grade includes a mark of '0' for final examination missed, or for term work missed, or both, and deferred final examination granted
3    credit withheld
4    reexamination granted
5    failure (assigned to failing Graduate Student grades only)
6    failure, grade includes a mark of '0' for final examination missed, or for term work missed, or both
7    failure, grade includes a mark of '0' for final examination missed, or for term work missed, or both, and deferred final examination granted
8   disciplinary sanction for serious instances of inappropriate academic behavior  

Grade Point Average

Intersession  courses at the University of Alberta or any course at another post-secondary institution, will not be calculated into your Winter Session GPA. 

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Grades Posting (Unofficial Results)
Calendar 23.5.4

Instructors may post unofficial results on their office doors, provided the confidentiality of the students’ records is preserved in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This precludes incorporating names.  Only ID numbers will appear and they will be in random order.  Grades are never given over the telephone.

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Grades on Bear Tracks
Refer to the Registrar's site for complete information

Unofficial grades can be accessed on Bear Tracks after  the approved Grade Report Form is received by the Registrar's Office.  An official  Statement of Results can also be obtained on Bear Tracks once your academic standing has been reviewed and approved by the Faculty and it includes your GPA and any academic standing comments that your Faculty may have assigned.   If you require an official transcript,  see the web site:

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Name Tags

Early in Fall term, the Department will provide each student with a name tag.  Students are encouraged to wear them to all classes and fieldwork placements.   Students must arrange, at their own expense, the replacement of lost name tags or if they need to revise their name tags due to a name change.

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ONEcard - see the ONEcard web-site

The ONEcard is a student’s ticket to recognition on campus. For example, it is:

·         -  a University identification card (includes your student ID#)

·         - a library card

·        - a debit card for photocopying and laser printing

·         - an authorization card for entry into certain buildings and facilities.

Corbett Hall* Access:  The ONEcard gives access to the east wheelchair accessible entrance door (facing 114 Street), the female and male locker rooms in the basement and the computer lab (Room 2-11).  Students’ ONEcards must be activated by the Department Receptionist, who coordinates the activation process in the Fall Term.

*Corbett Hall Building Hours
7:30 am – 8:00 pm Monday through Saturday. Closed on Sundays and Statutory Holidays. Student access to the building after regular hours or on Sundays/statutory holidays is via the ONEcard

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See Calendar 23.5.4(2)).   Deadlines are:  February 1 in the case of Fall courses, by June 25 for other Fall/Winter courses, and within thirty days of the publication of results for courses offered in Spring/Summer. (See  Registrar's site  for fee schedule) 

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Refer to Calendar Section 22 

The first item in the University Regulations and Information for students states:

"Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the requirements and limitations of their programs as specified in each Faculty section of the Calendar, for ensuring that their programs are properly planned and in accordance with degree specifications, and for the completeness and accuracy of their registration.  They are also responsible for adjustments in registration made necessary by changes to their academic status." (22.1.1)

Please read the calendar carefully and, if you are in doubt about the regulations pertaining to your program, consult the student records   You are responsible for accurate registration.

REGISTRATION DEADLINES    Refer to Calendar Section 11

All students must adhere to the deadlines published in the Academic Schedule of the Calendar.  Registration and changes of registration will not be allowed outside of the published deadlines.

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Special Requests

All special requests affecting students who are active in the program should be forwarded to the Chair. These include special considerations such as program extensions, etc.   

The Chair will review the request and seek input and opinions from others in the Department as appropriate:  Chair of Admissions, the academic student advisor or students through the Student Affairs Committee. t

The Chair will make the ruling and seek approval from the appropriate university bodies, if required, for implementation.

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Student Records 

Refer to Calendar Section 23.9.

A student's record is used for many administrative purposes by OT faculty members and administrative staff, the Dean's office, and the Registrar's office.  To ensure that all required personal and contact information  is up-to-date, refer to the Change of Name / Address/ Contact Information section.  

Questions regarding your record or your registration should be directed to the Student Records Assistant (phone: 492-6968).

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Withdrawals/Withdrawal from Fieldwork

Information regarding course withdrawals/deletion can be found in  Calendar Sections 22.1.8, 22.1.9 and 22.2.1(9)

The Department's policy on withdrawing from fieldwork courses is located in the Fieldwork Handbook: