Fieldwork Policies
Home Introduction Student Responsibilities Preceptor Responsibilities During a Placement Evaluation Process Difficulties in Fieldwork Student Records Disabilities and Accommodations Course Outlines Fieldwork Policies Contact Us



Academic Challenges


Appeals and Grievances




Disability and Accommodation






Fieldwork Requirements




Immunization/CPR/Security Clearance


Independent Community Placements




International Placements


Non Credit (NC)


Pass With Reservation




Selection Process


Student Responsibility


Student Withdrawal


Student Records: Release of Information



Policy 6.3.1: Promotion: Students normally complete courses according to the Program sequence.  If a student has deficient credit in a course or courses from a previous term, through failure or otherwise, that student must normally clear the deficiency the next time the course(s) is/are offered and is considered a repeating student (University of Alberta Calendar, section 164.1 (3).

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6.6.1 Policy: “Every student may have individual grades reviewed. Students should first approach the instructor concerned, then if necessary the Department Chair.” (University of Alberta Calendar, section 163.7)

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4.1.1 Policy:  A student’s working hours (including lunch, coffee breaks, and daily schedule) will be determined according to the policies/regulations of the fieldwork site. (OT committee, Aug 26,2004)

 4.1.2 Policy:  A student will attend fieldwork with no hours missed (OT Committee, Aug 26, 2004)

 4.1.3 Policy:  A student involved in endeavors at a recognized provincial, national, or international level, and is required to participate in an event during her/his fieldwork placement, should inform the ACCE as soon as possible of the dates of the activities.  The student is required to make up all missed time, and to complete the placement at a time that is arranged with the appropriate fieldwork site personnel (OT Committee, Aug. 26, 2004).

4.1.4 Policy: A student will be permitted absence from a fieldwork placement for religious purposes, should a religious holiday occur during the fieldwork period. A maximum of one day per placement is allowable. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the fieldwork site and arrange the necessary coverage of clients for the day missed.

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Policy: (GFC Policy Manual 108.5) The University of Alberta has a tradition of encouraging academically qualified persons with disabilities to seek admission to its programs.  It has also demonstrated its commitment to provide support services to students with disabilities to enable complete access to University facilities and successful completion of programs.  In assisting students with disabilities, the University's criteria for academic excellence will not be compromised. (GFC 26 SEP1988) (EXEC 27 APR 1998)

Although the primary responsibility for the provision of services rests with Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD), the provision of a supportive physical, academic and social environment is the responsibility of the entire University. (GFC 26 SEP1988) (EXEC 27 APR 1998)

To achieve its goal of attracting and retaining qualified students with disabilities, the University commits itself to the following objectives: (GFC 26 SEP1988) (EXEC 27 APR 1998)

1. The University of Alberta will ensure that persons with disabilities are considered for admission to any programs for which they are academically qualified within the quota restrictions of programs. (GFC 26 SEP1988) (EXEC 27 APR 1998)

2. Where warranted, and without compromising its academic standards, the University will modify program courseload, examination procedures, and other academic requirements to permit students with disabilities to complete their programs. In determining any special circumstances which warrant the modification of a requirement, consultation will take place between Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) and the Deans of Faculties or their delegates.  When arriving at appeal decisions, individuals and committees will take into account disability related factors. A student with a disability who is making an appeal may request advocacy from SSD. (GFC 26 SEP1988) (EXEC 27 APR 1998)

3. In consultation with appropriate University units, SSD will provide the following:

- orientation to the University
- assessment of needs
- personal and academic advising
- referrals to additional services or agencies
- program planning
- registration assistance
- interpreting arrangements
- advocacy
- liaison with departments and faculties
- loan of available specialized equipment
- obtaining permission to tape lectures
- available volunteer assistance including: note taking, exam writing assistance, mobility assistance, taping of readings, library research help, study help, tutoring, special project help.

While support services will include the above, if future evidence supports the need for changes or additional services, these will be considered for implementation within the limits of the University's financial resources. (GFC 26 SEP1988) (EXEC 27 APR 1998)

4. The University will continue its policy of:

- ensuring accessibility and safety by removing barriers which affect the wide range of students with disabilities,
- making special parking available to students with disabilities in keeping with city and provincial standards; and
- seeking ways to provide housing units adapted for use by students with disabilities. (GFC 26 SEP 1988) (EXEC 27 APR 1998)

Steps will be taken to facilitate the registration procedure for students with disabilities. (EXEC 06 DEC 1967) (EXEC 27 APR 1998)

In future, students with disabilities who have difficulties in registration, attendance, etc should consult the Dean of their Faculty. (EXEC 06 DEC 1967) (EXEC 27 APR 1998)

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4.4.1 Policy:  The mid-term evaluation will normally be given within 3 days of the actual mid-date of the placement to allow the student the opportunity to make the necessary changes by the end of the placement.  However, this does not preclude failure at any point during the placement given that competency has not been achieved or that there is an immediate failure (OT committee, July 20, 2004)

 4.5.1 Policy:  The clinical preceptor, using professional judgment, will determine whether the student receives a CR (pass), PWR (pass with reservation) or NC (failure) (OT Committee, July, 2004).

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2.9.1 Policy: A student requesting a fieldwork placement outside of Alberta, Saskatchewan or the North West Territories will be responsible for related costs, whether they receive the requested placement or not.  Effective for students admitted Sept. 2004 (OT committee, July 20, 2004)


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Policy: Students are required to graduate with fieldwork experience reflecting exposure to a diversity of areas of practice, and practice settings across the lifespan. At a minimum, students must have 150 hours (4 weeks full time) of experience in each of the areas of mental health/psychiatry, physical medicine, and community/rural. Students are responsible for ensuring they graduate with this diversity (pending OT Committee approval).

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5.2.1 Policy: The clinical preceptor, using professional judgment, will determine whether the student receives a CR (pass), CR (pass with reservation) or NC (failure) (OT Committee, July 20, 2004).

5.2.1 Policy:  Students will be required to abide by the Code of Student Behavior (Refer to Calendar Section


Procedure:  The ONLY MARKS that are officially given in fieldwork by the University are the following:

CR (i.e., Pass Mark):  This designation will be assigned on the evaluation forms for the students who have successfully completed the placement.

CR (i.e., Pass With Reservation):  Should a supervising therapist have concerns about a student’s performance, this designation will be assigned on the student’s evaluation form. (see 6.4 Difficulties in Fieldwork – PWR) Please note that a Pass With Reservation can be given at any time. 

W (withdrawal) or NC (Non-Credit): See Difficulties in Fieldwork 6.1 & 6.5 respectively.


Please Note:  The University has replaced the grade of F (Fail) with NC.

A mid-term and final evaluation are required with each placement.  After evaluation at mid-term and final, ensure that both the student and the fieldwork educator/preceptor sign the last sheet of the evaluation form

The time for the final evaluation should be scheduled at the mid-term meeting.  The final evaluation should be given one to two days before the exit date wherever possible. 

 If the Failure/Pass With Reservation is anticipated the ACCE should be contacted prior to the evaluation.



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2.4.1 Policy: As part of the pre-requisites for clinical placements, occupational therapy students are required to undergo medical testing, immunizations, fit-testing for masks, a security clearance, and CPR as outlined in the University of Alberta calendar, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. A student is responsible for all costs involved (OT committee, Aug. 26, 2004).

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2.3.1 Policy:  A student who has experienced difficulty in clinical education or academic course work will not be eligible to request an “Out of Province, International, or Independent Community Placement” for their subsequent placement/s (OT Committee, July 20, 2004).


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2.2.1 Policy: (University of Alberta Calendar 164.1) “…Before undertaking fieldwork courses in each year of the program, students must attend an annual fieldwork seminar, and fulfill all fieldwork prerequisites…”



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2.10.1 Policy: A student is responsible for ensuring they have appropriate vehicle insurance in the event that she/he uses his or her car during a fieldwork placement (OT Committee, Aug. 26, 2004)

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2.3.1 Policy:  A student who has experienced difficulty in clinical education or academic course work will not be eligible to request an “Out of Province, International, or Independent Community Placement” for their subsequent placement/s (OT Committee, July 20, 2004).


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6.5.1 Policy: A student will be failed immediately when there is evidence of:

·        physical, verbal, emotional and/or sexual abuse of a client

·        any act that lacks good judgment and/or endangers a client’s safety

·        breaches in confidentiality

·        taking financial advantage of a client or the facility

·        any other violations of the Code of Student Behavior and professional code of ethics of their respective professional/licensing bodies (AAROT Code of Conduct and (U of A Calendar 163.2) (OT Committee, July 20, 2004).

Criteria for Failure (General) if a student fails to successfully complete any or all the course objectives (see course outlines).

If Recurring, the following are grounds for failure (NC) (after incident)

General Communication Skills/Professional Relationships/Professional Competence

Ø      Inappropriate or inadequate professional identity skills, i.e.; relationships with clients or peers that are unprofessional, inability to establish a therapeutic relationship with client.

Ø      Lack of respect for clients, co-workers or the institution; e.g.; arrogant, non-empathetic, authoritarian manner, swearing, belligerence, condescending of other disciplines, supervisor and clients

Ø      overtly inappropriate aggressive behavior

Ø      over-familiar behavior with clients, ego.; give out personal phone number

            Instrumental Skills

Ø      negligent, improper, inadequate clinical are and documentation

Ø      consistent difficulty applying theory to practice at the expected skill level

Ø      inability to set priorities

Ø      inability to carry out aspects of the job. i.e.; clear lack of knowledge of diagnosis and symptoms, inability to do assessment, standardized or non-standardized

Ø      subjective, biased observation skills; unable to make observations of group process

Ø      must demonstrate control of groups

Ø      not completing assignments/projects i.e.; handing them in late or poorly done

Ø      not meeting goals signed in Learning Contract

Ø      not able to synthesize and prioritize client assets/problems, i.e.; drawing a complete picture of the client, identify issues to be dealt with and in what order

Ø      constantly needing excessive help with assessment, analysis and treatment skills

Ø      lack of clinical reasoning skills supported by documented incidences


6.5.2 Policy 163.3 “Students who fail a fieldwork course must repeat the course…(and) are required to reregister and pay the required course fees.  Normally a student will be allowed to repeat only one fieldwork course.  In the event that a student fails the repeated course or a second separate fieldwork course, the student will be required to withdraw from the program.

6.5.3 Policy 164.1 (2) : A student who has been assigned a grade of "W" or "NC" in a practicum placement is entitled to a second registration in this course, subject to satisfactory completion of such remedial work as may be assigned by the Faculty. A student who receives a “W” or “NC” in a fieldwork placement must repeat the course in a similar setting and type of service. If a student receives a "W" or "NC" in the second attempt of a practicum placement, the student is required to withdraw from the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (OT Council, April 2003).  In University of Alberta Calendar.

6.5.4 Policy: A student who has been assigned a grade of “W’ or “NC” in a practicum placement is entitled to a second registration in this course, subject to satisfactory completion of such remedial work as may be assigned the Faculty (OT Council, April 2003).

6.5.5 Policy: A student who receives a “W” or “NC” in a fieldwork placement must repeat the course in a similar setting and type of service (OT Council, April 2003).

6.5.6 Policy: If a student receives a “W” or “NC” in the second attempt of a practicum placement, the student is required to withdraw from the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (OT Council, April 2003).


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5.2.1 Policy: The clinical preceptor, using professional judgment, will determine whether the student receives a CR (pass), CR (pass with reservation) or NC (failure) (OT Committee, July 20, 2004).


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4.6.1 Policy:  A site may assign an assignment or project to a student (first placement exempt) that will demand no more than 5% of the placement time (OT Committee, Aug. 26, 2004)

Please note: during the students first placement (see OCCTH 324 course outline) we ask that students not be given a project.  However, it is reasonable to expect the student to share information on their concurrent course assignments.



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2.3.1 Policy:  A student is only guaranteed one placement in a larger city such as Edmonton, Calgary, or Saskatoon (OT Committee, July 20, 2004) 

2.3.2 Policy:  A student who has experienced difficulty in clinical education or academic course work will not be eligible to request an “Out of Province, International, or Independent Community Placement” for their subsequent placement/s (OT Committee, July 20, 2004).

2.3.3 Policy: A student will not be permitted to pursue a fieldwork placement at a site with explicit intentions to hire them as an occupational therapist upon completion of their OT program (OT Committee, July 20, 2004).

2.3.4 Policy: Students are required to graduate with fieldwork experience reflecting exposure to a diversity of areas of practice, and practice settings across the lifespan. At a minimum, students must have 150 hours (4 weeks full time) of experience in each of the areas of mental health/psychiatry, physical medicine, and community/rural. Students are responsible for ensuring they graduate with this diversity.

Please note that the first placement hours accrued in OCCTH 324 /524 will contribute towards the total 1000 hours required, but not towards the 150 hours in each of the following requirements; physical medicine, mental health/psychiatry and community/rural. (OT Committee, March 17 , 2006).

* Definition for Mental Health Placements:
Individuals with a psychiatric diagnosis (acute, chronic, or in recovery remission) that falls within DSM IV, Axis I and II with the exclusion of “Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence”. Acquired brain injury, developmental delays, mental retardation and autism are not considered appropriate experiences for the mental health placement.


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4.8.1 Policy:  A student is expected to be self-directed in their learning and to adjust to the service specialty, focus, and environmental demands (OT Committee, Aug, 2004)

5.2.2: Students will be required to abide by the Code of Student Behavior (University of Alberta Calendar, section 26)


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6.1.1 Policy: Requests for withdrawal from a clinical course for compassionate, health or religious reasons must be made to and approved by the ACCE (ACCE) and the Department Chair.  Note that a request for withdrawal for health reasons must be covered by a medical certificate. 

Requests for withdrawal for other than compassionate, health or religious reasons must be made to and approved by the ACCE and Department Chair, who may seek consultation with the Clinical Teaching Coordinator of the involved facility.  Withdrawals during days 1-5 of the placement will be assigned a grade of “W”.  Withdrawals on or after day 6 of the placement will be assigned a grade of “NC”.

The circumstances of each approved withdrawal will be reviewed by the ACCE.  Requirements to document readiness (fitness) to complete fieldwork requirements will be determined by the ACCE and confirmed with the student’s academic advisor. These conditions will be communicated to the student in writing two weeks following withdrawal.  The requirements must be met prior to commencing a new placement.

If a student withdraws from a clinical course for any reason, such action will lengthen their program and may delay their graduation.  (OT Committee, March 28, 2003,).


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7.2.1 Policy: Pursuant to section 23.9 (Student Records) of the University Calendar:
1. Students must sign a release of information form before any information can be divulged (found in OT office).
2. When requested, the faculty may summarize the student fieldwork record as it appears in the student file.
NOTE: Any disciplinary records are not to be referred to unless they pertain to the suspension or expulsion from the University.
3. Information can only be released be a faculty member or authorized officer of the University.
4. The fieldwork record is not part of the student’s official record, therefore copies of fieldwork records may not be issued from this University

7.2.2 Policy: Except as noted below, personal information will not be disclosed to others as provided by the FOIPP Act and without the written consent of the student or in accordance with an Information Sharing agreement or Research agreement as provided by the FOIPP legislation.

The following information is defined as the student’s public record: name; Faculty of registration; dates of registration or convocation; and degree, diploma or certificate awarded. This information may be issued to third parties (such as other educational institutions, appropriate government agencies, or prospective employers) on a need to know basis. (University of Alberta Calendar, Section 23.9.4 (3))

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