Student Responsibilities
Home Introduction Student Responsibilities Preceptor Responsibilities During a Placement Evaluation Process Difficulties in Fieldwork Student Records Disabilities and Accommodations Course Outlines Fieldwork Policies Contact Us



2.1 Registration

As in any other course, students must be correctly registered to receive credit.  For fall, winter, spring and summer placements students must register in the correct course and section.  Refer to the Registration and Courses section at the Registrar’s website:

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2.2 Information sessions

Fieldwork Information Sessions are organized to familiarize the student to the system, and to discuss issues relevant to fieldwork.

The date/time will be announced by the ACCE.  These sessions must be attended prior to placements and are considered part of the fieldwork course.  Non attendance will result in a mark of incomplete (IN) for the fieldwork course.


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2.3 Selection process

2.3.1 Policy:  A student is only guaranteed one placement in a larger city such as Edmonton, Calgary, or Saskatoon (OT Committee, July 20, 2004)

2.3.2 Policy:  A student who has experienced difficulty in clinical education or academic course work will not be eligible to request an “Out of Province, International, or Independent Community Placement” for their subsequent placement/s (OT Committee, July 20, 2004).

2.3.3 Policy: A student will not be permitted to pursue a fieldwork placement at a site with explicit intentions to hire them as an occupational therapist upon completion of their OT program (OT Committee, July 20, 2004).

2.3.4 Policy: Students are required to graduate with fieldwork experience reflecting exposure to a diversity of areas of practice, and practice settings across the lifespan. At a minimum, students must have 150 hours (4 weeks full time) of experience in each of the areas of mental health/psychiatry, physical medicine, and community/rural. Students are responsible for ensuring they graduate with this diversity.

Please note that the first placement hours accrued in OCCTH 524 will contribute towards the total 1000 hours required, but not towards the 150 hours in each of the following requirements; physical medicine, mental health/psychiatry and community/rural. (OT Committee, March 17 , 2006).


Students should refer to the fieldwork schedule which outlines dates and activities.

The Faculty of Rehabilitation has developed a web based automated placement processing system.  Each student will “sign onto” the placement web site with their WebCT/University sign-on.  Students are required to make 10 placement selections from the offers provided on the web form.

For each placement the student will be given a deadline after which the placement selections can no longer be modified.  Students with particular needs, (single parents, primary care givers or students with health issues) need to meet with the ACCE.  Students must also indicate their request for special consideration at the bottom of the web form under “Special Placement Request” (Make sure you click on “save request”).  Once the automated selection process has been completed, you will be notified by email of your confirmed placement.

To ensure that all students have equal opportunity to obtain diversity of areas of practice, students are not to choose placements at a site or service they have been before (eg. Glenrose, pediatrics, hands, etc.).

The ACCE will also provide you with further details at “Fieldwork Information Sessions”. 


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2.4 Immunization/ CPR/Security Clearance/etc

2.4.1 Policy: As part of the pre-requisites for clinical placements, occupational therapy students are required to undergo medical testing, immunizations, fit-testing for masks, a security clearance, and CPR as outlined in the University of Alberta calendar, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. A student is responsible for all costs involved (OT committee, Aug. 26, 2004).


Placements will not be assigned unless the Clinical Education Assistant has received proof of:


Basic Rescuer Level CPR certificate (annual recertification)


Medical Exam


Copy of Immunizations


N - 95 Mask Fit testing

Students must have a medical examination prior to their first placement. A Medical Examination Form is provided and must be completed, signed and returned to the Clinical Education Assistant by the designated date. Any change in a student’s medical status must be brought to the attention of the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE) prior to any subsequent fieldwork placements. An assessment will be made for the need of medical verification prior to the next placement. University of Alberta Health

It will be the student's responsibility to ensure up-to-date immunizations on a yearly basis and to carry current immunization records to each placement. Failure to comply may result in cancellation of a placement. Health Canada - Division of Immunization.

Placements may require a Security Clearance Check. The sites determine the criteria for acceptance/denial of placements if your Security Clearance does not pass.

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2.5 Checklists

2.5.1 Your First Placement

2.5.2 The Rest of Your Placements


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2.6 Independent Community Placements (ICP)

Independent Community Placements (ICP) have a long standing history at the University of Alberta and offer a unique opportunity for learning, and to provide a positive contribution to the community.   ICPs occur at a variety of sites such as inner city centres, correctional institutions etc. (usually in Edmonton).  This placement is a “2 for 1 deal” in that it will fulfill “Community, Mental Health or Community/Physical Medicine” requirements to graduate. 

As there are no direct formal OT services at these sites you will be matched with an on-site supervisor (e.g., social work, nursing, psychiatry etc) who will work with you on a daily basis.  The Fieldwork Educator for Independent Community Placements (FEICP) is an occupational therapist employed by the University of Alberta who works with you to provide timely, effective and on-site support to students in groups or on a 1:1 basis.  This OT ensures that what you are doing at the site is “OT” and that you are meeting your clinical education University requirements.  Typically two students are placed at each ICP site to provide support for each other and enrich the learning experience. For more information and to view video, visit the ICP link.


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2.7 International Placements

Students who are contemplating going out of country for any Level 3 placements are required to attend an International Fieldwork Seminar at least one year prior to the potential placement.  Students must have acceptable fieldwork and academic standing to qualify for international placements.


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2.8 Changes to and Cancellations of Placements

All placements are assigned on the assumption of good health and good grades. The University does not cancel placements. However, illness, injury, or personal crises are matters that are handled individually in consultation with both you and the ACCE.

Students are NOT able to make any changes to their placements unless there are extenuating circumstances (i.e., medical reasons, caregiving, duplication in placements, death in the family etc).  Getting married (yourself or friends), going on a holiday, traveling, family reunions etc. are not appropriate reasons.  Students are not able to cancel or change placements because they are disappointed with where they are going, client issues, age group etc.  Students are also not able to change placements because they misread or incorrectly filled out their placement forms.  The concept is no different than filling out a multiple choice question with the wrong letter/answer...or making a mistake with a need to take responsibility for your actions and their results.

There can be last minute cancellations of the placement by the site.  Students must be prepared for quick adaptation to the situation.   It is possible that some students may not receive a placement, requiring alterations in the curriculum placement plan.   Every effort will be made, however, to acquire a suitable placement.

In the case of academic difficulty or failure, the student’s circumstances will be reviewed by the ACCE, taking into consideration the content of the course(s) involved and the planned fieldwork. Unfortunately, final grades are not always available before placements begin. If there is a course failure, the student may be withdrawn from fieldwork. (see Academic Challenges)


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2.9 Expenses

2.9.1 Policy: A student requesting a fieldwork placement outside of Alberta, Saskatchewan or the North West Territories will be responsible for related costs, whether they receive the requested placement or not.  Effective for students admitted Sept. 2004 (OT committee, July 20, 2004)


All costs related to medical exams, CPR, immunizations and security clearance checks are the responsibility of the student.  Also, all costs relating to clothing, accommodation, travel and meal expenses during fieldwork are the responsibility of the student.


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2.10 Insurance

2.10.1 Policy: A student is responsible for ensuring they have appropriate vehicle insurance in the event that she/he uses his or her car during a fieldwork placement (OT Committee, Aug. 26, 2004)


While fulfilling fieldwork requirements, either in-province or out-of-province, students are insured by the University of Alberta for both malpractice and general liability.  In addition, students are covered under the Alberta Workers’ Compensation Act.  The University of Alberta does not cover any car insurance; therefore, you must have your own.


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2.11 Contact With the Site

Once you have been matched to a placement site, the University notifies the site. A package is then sent to the site with the following information:

·         Student’s Resume & Letter of Introduction

·         Letter from ACCE

·         Fieldwork Handbook

Your supervising therapist will make contact with you after that time.  If you have not heard from your supervising therapist at least one week prior to the start of the placement, contact the Clinical Education Assistant.


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