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bullet7.1 Fieldwork File at the U of A
bullet7.1 Release of Information - Fieldwork Files
bullet7.3 Fieldwork File at a Placement Site

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7.1 Fieldwork File at the U of A


Each student will have a fieldwork file, kept in the office of the ACCE. A student may have access to his/her file at any time, by directing the request to the ACCE. A fieldwork file contains all fieldwork evaluation forms, any correspondence that pertains to fieldwork courses and the information sheets which the student has completed. This information is kept to ensure that an up-to-date record of all communications relating to fieldwork is maintained.

During the year of graduation, students must sign a release of information form (obtainable from the OT Office – 2-62 Corbett Hall) in order to have information released to prospective employers. When a student graduates, the file is purged and amalgamated with the academic file; only the evaluation forms and transcript remain on file.

Six years after a student graduates, it is felt that fieldwork information will be irrelevant and will be destroyed, leaving only the transcript in the student’s file.

It is the student’s responsibility to make or request a copy of the completed evaluation form from the preceptor.  The OT Department will not provide copies.


We strongly recommend that he student incorporates their fieldwork information/evaluations into their Professional Portfolio.

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7.2 Release of Information – Fieldwork Files

Pursuant to section 23.9 (Student Records) of the University Calendar:
1. Students must sign a release of information form before any information can be divulged (found in OT office).
2. When requested, the faculty may summarize the student fieldwork record as it appears in the student file.
NOTE: Any disciplinary records are not to be referred to unless they pertain to the suspension or expulsion from the University.
3. Information can only be released be a faculty member or authorized officer of the University.
4. The fieldwork record is not part of the student’s official record, therefore copies of fieldwork records may not be issued from this University.

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7.3 Fieldwork File at a Placement Site

Each site should have their own policy regarding how they will manage fieldwork files, what they will be used for, and at what point they will be destroyed.  If you have any concerns please clarify this with the appropriate individuals at the site.

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