Preceptor Responsibilities
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3.1 Offering Placements

You are eligible to supervise a student after 1 year of clinical practice.  You may assist another therapist in student supervision prior to completing your first year of practice.

            If you are interested in becoming a preceptor please contact the ACCE.

The Centre for Studies in Clinical Education (CSCE) and the ACCE offers workshops at various times during the year in topic areas related to fieldwork and working with students in rehabilitation.  CSCE also has a Clinical Appointment system to recognize individual’s contribution to the education of our students.

If you or your site has had U of A students in the past, you will likely be on our computer database.  The U of A sends placement request forms twice a year.  On these forms you are asked if you can offer a certain level of placement for a certain time period.  The information you provide is entered into the U of A computer database and is available for all students to see and choose from.

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3.2 Fieldwork Site Profile (FS- PRO)

The U of A promotes the use of the Canadian Guidelines for Fieldwork Education in Occupational Therapy.   The complete document can be found on the CAOT website. A portion of this document, the FS-PRO is to be completed for all new sites taking students and is to be updated every 5 years.

Please note that the, “University fieldwork coordinators require information about fieldwork education sites regarding opportunities and resources for student learning. The main goal of this process is to promote excellence in fieldwork education among partners as well as to fulfill the CAOT requirements for Academic Accreditation.”

The information included in the FS-PRO will assist university Fieldwork Coordinators and students in making informed decisions about placement selection.  They may achieve a balanced student fieldwork profile while meeting their learning needs.” (CGFEOT. 2003)


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3.3 National Placement Service

The national Fieldwork Placement Service is currently being coordinated through Megram Consulting Services.  Recruitment for students is done separately from the U of A recruitment.  Please note that when placements are offered to the National Placement Service, only students from universities other than U of A will have access to them.  U of A places all their students within catchment (AB, SK and NWT) using their own system.  However, U of A uses the National Placement Service to place U of A students in other catchment areas.

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3.4 Selection Process

Students make their selection of an appropriate placement (AB, SK, NWT) to meet their needs based on the information provided to the university by the site.  Students select their 10 top choices and the computer matches students to sites to maximize the number of students placed.


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3.5 Initial Communication

A U of A fieldwork package will be mailed to you before the start of the placement and will include:

      Letter from the ACCE

      Fieldwork Handbook

      A resume and Letter of Introduction from the student.

      The student‘s contact address, e-mail and phone number.

The site must reply to the student in as soon as possible…confirming the start time, working hours, parking information, directions to the facility and other pertinent information.  We also encourage you to advise the student re: acronyms/abbreviations used by your site, appropriate textbook or journal readings, and an overview of the caseload to be worked with.

After the computer matching process is completed, the placements are approved by the ACCE and the students are notified by email of these results.  The sites are then contacted by email (or phone) to inform them that a student has been matched to their site.  At that time, the site will also receive the tentative name of the student.


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3.6 Changes to and Cancellations of Placements

Sometimes unavoidable situations result in a placement having to be changed or cancelled.  If a situation arises at your facility that you feel will affect the fieldwork experience for your student or alter it significantly, please contact the ACCE as soon as possible.  Every attempt will be made to address the concerns of the fieldwork site while maintaining the best possible learning experience for the student.  These situations are best dealt with on a case by case basis.


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